Fiercely You Podcast
Fiercely You Podcast
Katie Bullock - Talks life after Gymnastics & her struggle with mental illnesses
On this episode you will hear from an incredible young woman and a very special ex-team mate and friend of mine, Katie. Katie was a gymnast for 10 years, achieving National Level 8 in 2015. Katie represented Victoria in 2014 & 2015.
Once retiring from gymnastics, Katie felt like she had lost her identity and felt very unprepared for what was next. Throughout the episode Katie discusses the struggles she went through finding her identity and the ongoing struggles with her body. Katie will also share about her ongoing mental health challenges and where she is at now.
We would like to advise you that there may be triggers in this episode around depression and eating disorders. If you would like to avoid this content, please move onto the next episode.
As mentioned in the podcast these are a few of Katie's favourite instagram accounts to follow.
If this episode has triggered anything for you, we strongly recommend you reach out to someone, you can call the Butterfly Foundation on 1800 33 46 73 or Life Line on 13 11 14.
In emergencies please call 000.
Thank you to the incredible Monique for the beautiful piano music and voice recordings for the Fiercely You podcast episodes. Check her out on instagram at @mini.tunes_