Fiercely You Podcast

Monique Machin - Mental health Challenges & Discovering herself

Fiercely You - Fiona Sanford Season 1 Episode 11

On this episode of the Fiercely You Podcast you will be hearing from a powerhouse of a young woman, Monique. Mon shares openly about her mental health struggles and what it was like when she broke down in front of her friend. She shares about the ongoing journey she has with Depression and other mental illnesses. 

She shares how music and being outdoors helps her cope with these challenges as well as the fact that talking about her Depression really helps.

We would like to advise you that there may be triggers in this episode around depression and self harm. If you would like to avoid this content, please move onto the next episode. 

If this episode has triggered anything for you, we strongly recommend you reach out to someone or call Life Line on 13 11 14. In emergencies please call 000. 

Thank you to the incredible Monique  for the beautiful piano music and voice recordings for the Fiercely You podcast episodes. Check her out on instagram at @mini.tunes_